Monday, April 5, 2010


Okay, so I am REALLY bad at this blog thing. and yet I am back....
Not much to share. Besides we made it through the holidays and now we are at the start of spring break.....So far it has been a very busy break, with more & more activities being added by the moment. Hey, The boys are only young once, right?!

I have been having a fabulous time with new (old actually, but new to me) techniques, mostly from Tim Holtz. It seems to be slowly bring me out of my block. Which is fantastic. I feel like I have been treading water for the last few years, just trying to keep my head above water. That I have completely lost who I am and what I be creative. to work with my hands, get dirty and make something beautiful. Don't get me wrong I am a wife & mother and that is VERY important. but somewhere in there I made that my only priority and lost myself a bit.

Now to find "me" again....